Psalm 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in
the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in
the seat of the scornful."
There is a system of “threes” in this first verse of Psalm 1:
1. "walketh, standeth, sitteth"
walk = follow after
stand = to put yourself in the area of
sit = to be at ease and comfort with
The process: Walking leads to a place where we will sit.
2. "counsel, way, seat"
counsel = the philosophy of, the wisdom of, the advice of
way = the areas frequented by
seat = a congregation of
The process: Counsel directs us to a place where others of the same
3. "ungodly, sinners, scornful"
ungodly = those who do not know God, those without God
sinners = those who actively transgress (go beyond,
"break") the laws of God
scornful = those who make a mock of sin
The process: Ungodliness leads to sin, and sin leads to making a
mock at sin.
The idea: To start with walking in counsel that is ungodly leads to
opening yourself up to outright sin, which in turn leads to feeling comfortable
with it and where we eventually become numb to it and begin to laugh at it.
Compare that with Proverbs 14:9 "Fools make a mock at sin ..."
Looking at Psalm 1:1 from these perspectives puts a brighter light on
the words of God here:
4. "the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly"
The man who does not follow
the advice, the wisdom, or the philosophy of those without God in this world.
How much of the wisdom of the
world do we hear every day? Are we not continually exposed to horoscopes, palm
reading, Oprah, Dr. Phil, and the like? Do we not hear the ungodly wisdom of
this world in songs which tell us to "follow our hearts," to
"fight," and to "rebel"? What do they know?! What do the
ungodly know of God, His counsel, and His Son Jesus Christ? What REAL benefit
can believers obtain from people who do not even know the fear of the Lord
(Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom")?
The entire book of Proverbs is
filled with wisdom. In fact, the WHOLE Bible is. And the New Testament
describes the Ultimate Wisdom of God, Jesus Christ (1Corinthians 1:30 "...
Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and
sanctification, and redemption"). But the counsel of those who know not
God (ungodly) does not see this. Jesus Christ is only a “man,” a “good
teacher,” a “prophet” and not God. This counsel tells people that Christ is
only an historical figure to be put on the same plane as Muhammad, Buddah, Confucius,
or Ghandi, with no inkling of His saving work.
Whereas the counsel of God
based on reality and truth tells us that man is without hope in this world
(Ephesians 2:12 “That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from
the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having
no hope, and without God in the world”) because of his sinful state (Psalm 51:5
“conceived in sin;” Romans 3:23 “all have sinned,” John 3:18 “condemned”). “But
God who is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), “sent His only begotten Son” (John
3:16), to “save us from our sins” (Isaiah 53:5). For God sent His Son into this
world to save sinners: 1Timothy 1:15 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of
all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” THIS
is the counsel of God: Matthew 17:5 “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
pleased; hear ye him.” And this is the counsel the ungodly CANNOT give; faulty
counsel that directs people to sin and scorning God. Their counsel leads to
death (Psalm 1:6 “the way of the ungodly shall perish”) but God’s to life.
5. "nor standeth in the way of sinners"
The man who does not put
himself in the place where sin (mentally) and sinners (physically) are to be
When we start listening to the
wisdom of those who know not God, we begin to find ourselves OPEN to the seeds
of sin and the arousal of our innate sinful desires (Psalm 51:5) which
eventually become so strong that we ACT on them (James 1:15 "...when lust
hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth
forth death"); Or perhaps we think "it's not so bad" going here
or going there to places where we KNOW that are hotbeds of sin. This then is the
beginning to the next level.
6. "nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful"
The man who does not hang out
and feel at ease with those who laugh at sin as if it is a joke.
Just look around you. Sin is
everywhere. Foul language has filtered down to prime time television; sex,
sexual acts, and nudity has filtered down too. There is no shame anymore. In
the movies, violence has become the norm, and computer games make
"death" entertainment. People sit around in groups at bars speaking
evil things and laughing about it, while the same corruption is found at
"Starbuck's" as well. People mock sin as if it is nothing. It's all
just a joke to the world and sadly to many Christians because they have not
seen much "consequence" or much "judgment" from God.
But what their wisdom, their
"counsel," referred to in the first part of the verse, did not tell
them, was that we shall reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived;
God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap").
And that God will one day bring ALL things into judgment: Isaiah 13:11
"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their
iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay
low the haughtiness of the terrible."
This then is the END result of
the ungodly counsel, the sin, and the scorn: judgment (Psalm 1:6 "the way
of the ungodly shall perish). Thus, If we reverse the psalm, it might say,
"oh how grieved is the man who does not receive the wisdom of God."
7. BUT "Blessed is ..."
O how happy is that man!
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