Occasionally, I encounter a school or business that REQUIRES its personnel to attend morning "devotions" prior to the start of the work day. This might sound all fine and good, but what the "commanders" of these devotions do not seem to realize is that Jesus said "follow me" to His disciples. He did NOT "require" them to follow Him. These organizers may say "well, Jesus had early morning prayer time" and to that I would remind them that it was PERSONAL time with God NOT group devotions. It was an EXAMPLE to believers to develop a personal relationship with Him, NOT to non-believers.
Members of these organizations should be nurtured and encouraged to seek personal time with the Lord, NOT be "required" (often as part of their "job performance") to attend early morning (or even after hour) devotions. It's hard enough for people to get moving in the morning and get to work on time without the added PRESSURE of attending early devotions (not to mention the sleepy heads during the devotion - how much is really getting in anyway). Another point: Isn't YOUR devotion interfering with THEIR personal devotions (those that have them)?
Would this not tend to give both Christian and non-Christian a poor image or a dim view of life with Christ?
Would it not create a feeling of resentment towards the "religion" of Christianity - a system of do's and don'ts?
God does NOT pressure people, neither does He force people to follow Him. It is evident from Scripture (and Scripture is our authority, not our "traditions"). What we do see in Scripture is that God "gently" draws people unto Him and "gently leads" His people through life.
Why then will YOU force people to attend daily morning/after-work devotions when it is clearly creating a hardship for many?
Why not make it at a more convenient time DURING the WORK day (show your "grace" and let them CEASE from their labors to hear [NOT preach] the Word of God)?
Why not make it VOLUNTARY (without retribution for non-attenders)?
Why not ENCOURAGE them to have their own personal devotions?
Why not encourage them to attend a good, sound, Bible-centered, Christ-exalting CHURCH?
There is just NO call or cause to FORCE people to hear the oft-flawed devotions of employers/supervisors who themselves are probably NOT exampling it and or clear on RIGHT doctrine. If that is your view of Christianity and "evangelizing" than it is faulty, and may even serve to DRIVE people AWAY from the very God we wish to show them/point them to. If you really want people to come to know the Lord or nurture their walk with Him, do not FORCE devotions on them. SHOW them the grace and mercy of God in the face of Jesus Christ. BE an EXAMPLE and show them the BEAUTY of the Lord rather than incorrectly showing them the STRICTNESS of their "boss."
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