Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Real Christians do/don't ...

Have you ever heard these words from pulpits? Have you ever spoken them? 

"You're not a real Christian if you are not 30 minutes early to church."

"You're not a Christian if you don't travel a long distance or endure hardship to come to church."

"Real Christians give out Gospel tracts."

"A real Christian is concerned about his pastor."

"A real Christian ..." 

"You're a not a Christian if ..." 

Be careful "pastor." I challenge you to find Scriptural references ANYWHERE for those kind of statements, especially form the pulpit. 

Let me remind you of the Corinthian church of the New Testament, who were behaving in unseemly ways, as "babes," and "carnal" (1Co 3:1) yet Paul addressed them as "brethren." 

Or, let me remind you of David, who sinned with Bathsheba. Many might say, he "wasn't a Christian" in today's age. Or perhaps even Peter who thrice denied the Lord, with cursing.  

Or, why would Paul say: 

"LET your speech..." 
"LET no corrupt communication ..." 
"LET all bitterness and wrath ..." 
"LET this mind be in you ..." 
"LET the peace of God ..." 

And many more "lets?"

Why would these need to be said if being a Christian referred to "automatic" maturity in the faith??

This is why we are commanded to: 

"Grow" in grace;
To "follow" the example of those brethren who are mature in the faith; 
To "be not drunk with wine;"
To be "filled with the Spirit;" 
To "walk in the Spirit;" 
To "follow" the example of Christ

And more . . . 

If becoming a Christian meant that we were instantly mature in the faith on this earth, I suppose we would be in heaven. 

No Sir, while we are on this earth, it is a purging, growing, sanctifying process, which will never be complete until heaven. So, pastor, please take it easy on the flock of God. Don't "beat" them into submission with your opinions and biases. Don't burden them with the "traditions" of men. Preach and teach the Word of God as it is written, and let the Spirit of God work in the hearts. You do not need to "whip" them to get them to move where they ought to be. God is perfectly capable of doing that on His own. 

Pastor, choose your words carefully and do not ADD to the Word of God. "Search the Scriptures," "study," "labor in the word," and consider the things you are telling the sheep who hold you in high regard, and who would obey the Word of God as taught by "God's man" in the pulpit. 

This is my challenge for you pastor, this Sunday: 

Speak only what is written: 

"If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" (1Pe 4:11);

Speak with "grace: 

"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" (Col 4:6);

Speak with "love:" 

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Eph 4:15);

To the end that the people of God might be "edified" (built up) and not "beaten up:"

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" (Ro 14:1).

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