Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The elderly

Among the myriad of processes that the Lord has ordained in His creation is that of AGING. We know from human development that as we age we enter another stage from the previous. With that in mind, the Lord has ordained that the BEAUTY (take note, "beauty") of old men is their gray head, and the glory of young men is their strength: 

"The glory of young men is their strength: and the BEAUTY of old men is the grey head" (Prov 20:29). [Emphasis added]

However, we live in a day where older people are not commonly appreciated; where they are put away and forsaken. Where they are not given ear or even permitted to lead. Yet they have so much to share (experiences, wisdom, life knowledge); a SHAME especially if the elder is in mature in Christ: 

"The HOARY HEAD is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness" (Prov 16:31). [Emphasis added]

Having gray hair (from age) in society today is considered a drawback, a flaw, a negative point; but how far we have fallen from God to think such things. Elders ought NOT be ashamed of their gray heads. God's design is that aging is a TRADE-OFF: young people do have strength and energy, but as they grow older they become wiser (especially if they are rooted and grounded in the Word). The trade is this: that the older have wisdom with which to guide the younger, and the younger have the strength and energy to accomplish the wisdom of the elders. 

However, the common thinking of today deems older people of little value; quite CONTRARY to the Word and will of God (note that the world is always at odds with God's will, and this is yet another aspect): 

"Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and FEAR thy God: I am the LORD" (Lev 19:32). [Emphasis added]

Notice in Leviticus, that the Lord associates honoring the aged with fearing Him. If for no other reason, respecting elders and honoring them is respecting the wishes of God. Yet, we live in a society today where elders are dismissed and replaced with younger, vibrant, energetic youngsters. But, who's going to run the show if all we have are young people? Young people? 

Wait a minute! God explains to us that young people have the strength, yes, it is true, but they LACK the wisdom of the elderly. Just by virtue of living 'x' amount of years on earth, an elder automatically has life wisdom. Add to that new life in Christ and a righteous spiritual walk, there can be great amounts of untapped wisdom available for leadership, especially in churches. How many churches today suffer from inexperienced young pastors? Could it be that they may not yet have been prepared to lead? I dare say, yes. Compare that with what Paul instructs Timothy regarding leadership in the church: 

"Not a NOVICE lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil" (1Timothy 3:6). [Emphasis added]

True, "novice" here could mean a rookie (and old people can be rookies too); but when taken in comparison with other Scripture on the topic, the implication may very well be that the "order" is that a novice would be a young person who was recently converted; whereas an older person may very well have been converted for some time and has matured to a point of leadership. A kind of natural progression. Nevertheless, notice the the instruction regarding elders:

"Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity" (1Timothy 5:1-2). 

A father of course would be older than the child. As a matter of fact, in the New Testament, it is understood that elders (men) are expected to lead:

"Let the elders THAT RULE well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine" (1Timothy 5:17). [Emphasis added]

"For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain ELDERS in every city, as I had appointed thee:" (Titus 1:5). [Emphasis added]

Notice the term "elder" which means denotes one who is aged. The connotation of elder is that the person being ordained is of an elevated age. This term, contrary to popular belief does not mean "pastor." Elders are natural leaders, "pastoring" is a gift (see Eph 4:11, and read it carefully). Why? The aged have more maturity and understanding. But they are neglected in churches and society, and so they degrade and "deteriorate" (mentally, physically, and spiritually). So, instead of being useful in providing wisdom to the younger as God has ordained they should, they are prevented from it. 

This is why we must be concerned when young people are allowed to lead. Based on Scripture, I believe that when youth are put in leadership positions, the organization has deviated from God's plan, and will suffer for it (reaping what has been sown) which of course is the result of being in a fallen world. 

May we return to the GOD-ordained design and actually SEEK qualified elders to lead and teach. It works in the Church, and it works in society: Elders KNOW, and young people can DO: both work together toward a common goal: in the church and in society.

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