"Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand" -1Co 1:24
As "pastors" (spiritual leaders), we do not have the authority to "exercise control" over the brethren, as Paul mentions here. Compare this also with1Corinthians 16:12, where the "Apostle" Paul, "greatly desired" Apollos to go to Corinth, but it was not Apollos' will to go at that time. What did Paul do? Did he "order" or "command" Apollos to go? No, he did not, because Paul knew that "to his own master he standeth or falleth" (Ro 14:4), and respected Apollos' will. But, how many "pastors" today would have done the same? How many would get angry and "order" the brethren to do what they wanted them to do? How many pastors would "demand" that the brethren "obey" them because they are "God's man" or "the Lord's anointed? - Terminology which has been greatly confused and abused in the modern church.
Apostles, were the highest level of spiritual leaders in the early New Testament church (c/w Ep 2:20, 1Co 12:28). Having such authority, Paul did not "lord" it over the brethren, but in fact realized his role as a spiritual leader: That he was in fact a "helper" of the people of God, who stand by their OWN faith before God and not by the "control" of a man. Christ demonstrated Himself as a "servant" rather than a "lord" over His people. And if it is good enough for the Lord, it certainly must be good enough for us.
"Pastor," please remember this as we come together in churches throughout the land. We are not given this privilege to "demand" of the brethren, but to "help" them know the will of God, to feed the flock of God, to gently correct them, and lead them in the ways of God by our example, allowing them to "stand" by their OWN faith. The faith which they have between God and them.
A message for you dear pastor this Sunday morning.
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